Inetum employees from France and abroad run the 20km de Paris race together
Inetum employees from France and abroad run the 20km de Paris race together
20km de Paris
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Employees of the Inetum Group from all over France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal shared a sporting experience and a solidarity action by taking on the challenge of the 20km de Paris race on Sunday 9 October.
A joint international initiative sharing the values of sport
The leader in digital services and solutions in Europe assembled a group of employees from different countries on Sunday, 9 October to take on the challenge of the 20km de Paris race. This initiative is in line with the Inetum Group's desire to offer an employee experience that allows everyone to bring work and personal well-being together.
The international group that is present in 27 countries thereby pursues its commitment to sport and the values that it promotes and nurtures daily through major sports sponsorships, including its 10-year partnership with Paris Saint-Germain Handball, and its support for Sporting Clube de Portugal Futsal and the Lointek Gernika Bizkaia women's basketball team in Spain.
A positive and collective commitment
A group of 100 digital professionals with a positive, enterprising and pragmatic mindset thus took the start of the legendary 20km race in Paris, one of the major sports events in France in which the public can take part.
Seasoned runners as well as beginners from Inetum offices all over France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal came to take on a personal challenge, share the thrills and spirit of sportsmanship, and contribute to a solidarity action during this exceptional race in the heart of the French capital. A part of the registration fee of each Inetum employee who ran was donated to Aviation sans Frontières, an association that provides logistical support to over 180 international humanitarian organisations.
About Inetum, Positive digital flow:
Inetum is an agile IT services company that provides digital services and solutions, and a global group that helps companies and institutions to get the most out of digital flow. In a context of perpetual movement, where needs and usages are constantly being reinvented, the Inetum group is committed towards all these players to innovate, continue to adapt, and stay ahead. With its multi-expert profile, Inetum offers its clients a unique combination of proximity, a sectoral organisation, and solutions of industrial quality. Operating in more than 27 countries, the Group has nearly 27,000 employees and in 2021 generated revenues of €2.2 billion.
For more information, contact:
Inetum Press Relations
Claudine Morel Le-Berre
VP Group Communications Director
Tel.: +33 (0)6 68 01 22 56
Marion Latapy
Group Communications Manager
Tel.: +33 (0)6 60 13 50 71