Data careers programme

Data careers programme

Inetum restructures its Data careers programme to address market challenges more effectively

Inetum restructures its Data careers programme to address market challenges more effectively


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When it comes to recruitment, certain players in the data world suffer from a White Rabbit syndrome – always in hurry, always late… To avoid this pitfall, Inetum is restructuring to meet the challenges of growth in this coveted sector, and to attract experienced candidates. This requires a three-pronged approach: restructuring the company’s Data careers programme, addressing all audiences with a customised, formalised promise, and ensuring ongoing training thanks to our new Data Academy and higher certification requirements.

A Data careers programme to anticipate market needs

In the 2021 version of its HR classification, Cigref modified certain data profiles on the margins, independently of the question of skills. While Data Analyst now includes more cross-cutting functions (business and IS), the role of Data Engineer has been expanded to include the maintenance of data applications and infrastructures. This example is not without consequences. It shows both how porous the perimeters are in the world of data, and how difficult it is for the sector to outline the field of competence of a particular job profile. Based on this observation, Inetum has built its Data programme on a common set of skills – 18 in total – revolving around four axes, namely Business, Technology, Business Intelligence, and Data Science. 

Within the benchmark functions, 10 profiles have been identified – Tech Lead, Big Data Developer, Data Engineer, Data Steward, Data Architect, DevOps, Data Analyst, and Data Scientist, plus Data Project Manager and Data Protection Officer. Each of these will have major and minor skills, and a dual level of seniority. Profiles can be combined depending on technological preferences, as the Data careers programme cannot be structured without an in-depth reflection on the way in which the IT services company works with its technological partners to make sure the teams benefit from the best knowledge and have a perfect command of solutions before these are adopted by the users, mainly large corporate accounts and mid-cap clients. Inetum today has a map of the technological scope that the company wants to cover. Based on an analysis of client requirements, this scope addresses all stages of the data lifecycle – extraction, transfer, ingestion and exploitation – and continues to evolve.

The aim is to upskill employees and new recruits

The Group focuses on improving and developing the skills of its employees, new recruits (particularly recent graduates) and people undergoing retraining. Starting from the ten functions described above, needs and timelines are defined according to which the various target groups will be trained. A first course is already underway for Data Engineers. Besides a common skill set – Python, Java, R, Restful architecture, GIT, Talend, Mongo DB, Elasticsearch, etc. – it includes specialised training in Spark and Power BI. The promise put forward by the Group is to work on several career paths in Data, ranging for example from Big Data Developer to Data Scientist. Each echelon includes a list of training programmes. By strengthening cooperation between engineering schools, universities and IT services companies, we can continue to improve the courses and training methods we offer. Inetum is in fact advocating for more multiple-choice exam and test papers to allow students from a young age to get accustomed to using rapid analysis mechanisms and making fast decisions. Obtaining cloud certification clearly demonstrates the level that has been attained.

Each profile has major and minor skills and a dual level of seniority. Profiles can be combined depending on technological preferences.

See the graph

What is the purpose of the Data Academy in this context? How can we be sure that the courses provided will meet market needs and employees’ expectations? How do we align the offer and demand for experienced profiles in what sometimes amounts to niche technologies? It’s a juggling exercise. Inetum has linked up its Data Academy and its data service centre offer. The aim is simple – to anticipate needs in technologies and languages that are particularly in demand at the moment. The same goes for cloud certifications. To facilitate the process, the Group makes sure that the various training programmes are properly aligned before candidates take certification tests. Both technical and behavioural skills are assessed. Data is a field that involves IT as well as business lines, with a significant variety and number of skills to be learnt. In short, a complex subject matter where anticipation is the key to success.

By structuring itself to design and align skills with market needs, Inetum is now in a position to welcome the best Data profiles in order to meet our clients' challenges and diligently accompany the acceleration of their digital transition.


Laurence Houdeville

Group VP, Global Practice Manager, Data at Inetum

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