Inetum joins forces with Centrale Lille to attract and train top talent

Inetum joins forces with Centrale Lille to attract and train top talent


Press Release

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Inetum, a European leader in digital services and solutions, has signed a partnership agreement with the public tertiary-education establishment Centrale Lille. The agreement will strengthen Inetum's ties with top engineering schools which are priority establishments for the Group, and confirms its intention to offer professional training opportunities through traineeships and study-work programmes for future employees.

Picking this specific establishment was a deliberate choice. It features among the priority establishments identified by Inetum. Centrale Lille's goal is to respond to the needs of companies by training highly qualified general engineers who can master the complexity of particularly diverse environments, and who have the knowledge and skills to understand and tackle the major economic and industrial challenges of today and tomorrow. A breeding ground for young talent enrolled in a programme of excellence.

The partnership aims to open up professional training opportunities for engineering students at Centrale Lille and to facilitate their recruitment. Inetum makes an effort each year to promote the intake and integration in its various departments and services of trainees and young graduates from the different schools and programmes of Lille Centrale. With this partnership, over 50 engineering students from Centrale Lille will be able to join the international group that combines local excellence in 27 countries with the innovative and industrial strength of a European leader.

Inetum will also take part in events and conferences organised annually by Centrale Lille. The establishment will for its part inform its student community of corporate events and will promote the company's trainee, work-study, and job offers for young graduates.

Centrale Lille, an establishment recognised for the excellence of its programmes

Centrale Lille is known for the academic and scientific excellence of its students in four distinct schools. The establishment trains top-level engineers and researchers in a variety of demanding programmes.

Through this partnership, Inetum undertakes to draw the best talent into its expert community by reinforcing its relationship with schools. The Group received Top Employers France and Europe certification in 2023, and is in the process of integrating some 400 new employees in the Lille metropolitan area. These include junior and experienced developers (Java, Fullstack, Cobol, Mobile), network and security engineers, and technical project managers.

“This partnership with an international group like Inetum will allow our engineering students to visualise their future and open up their professional horizon through professional training opportunities and experiences in a buoyant field. By getting the chance to discover and further explore topics linked to innovation and the use of new technologies, they will be able to start their career in a company that is one of the leaders in the digital sector,” says Thomas Maurer, Head of Centrale Lille.

Bruno Da Sola, who is Head of HR at the Inetum Group, states: “We are thrilled to join forces with Centrale Lille, an establishment that has for a number of years been training competent, talented people who are willing and motivated to work in a corporate environment. This partnership reinforces our local ties with partner schools throughout France. It is also an opportunity for these junior profiles to join a group with an international reach. Our ambition is to support the upskilling of all our employees. Raising awareness of our core businesses and offering professional training to students is a key leverage to address the skill shortage in our sector.”

“We intend to be a close partner for young talent particularly in engineering schools. These young people who have qualified at the highest level are exactly the kind of graduates we are looking for in our region and who will become our future experts,” Thierry Rigaud, Head of Inetum's North region, adds.


About Centrale Lille:

Founded in 1854, Centrale Lille is a public establishment that trains engineers and researchers of excellence. It is divided into four distinct engineering schools, École Centrale de Lille (general engineering), ITEEM (for engineers aiming to become managers and entrepreneurs), IG2I (information-system and innovative industrial-system engineering), and ENSCL (chemical engineering) with approximately 2,000 students and is a benchmark in the academic world today. Centrale Lille also has sixteen master's degree courses of which seven are given entirely in English, as well as three PhD programmes, seven research laboratories, and two associated international laboratories. A key player in tertiary education and research, Centrale Lille is an EPE-associated establishment.

About Inetum, Positive digital flow:

Inetum is a digital services and solutions company. Present in more than 27 countries, the Group has nearly 28,000 employees and generated revenues of EUR 2.4 billion in 2022. In a world where needs and uses are continuously being reinvented, the Inetum Group supports companies and governments in their digital transformation by offering them a unique combination of proximity, sectoral organisation, and innovative solutions. With its multi-specialist profile, Inetum aligns its organisation around 4 Global Business Lines: Inetum Consulting, Inetum Technologies, Inetum Solutions, and Inetum Software.

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Inetum Press Relations

Claudine Morel Le-Berre

VP Group Communications Director

Tel.: +33 (0)6 68 01 22 56

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Group Communications Manager

Tel.: +33 (0)6 60 13 50 71

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