The Inetum compliance management

The Inetum compliance management

A global compliance officers network

A Compliance Committee

Inetum has a network of Compliance Officers in the different areas and countries in which Inetum operates with the mission to supervise the proper implementation of compliance processes as defined by the Group, to be present as close as possible to the operations and to ensure the compliance of business practices at the local level.

The Inetum Group’s Executive Committee is strongly involved in Compliance and Ethics, and drives the various initiatives led by the Group Legal and Compliance Department.

Inetum has a Compliance Committee whose role it is to:

  • define compliance and ethics policies,

  • raise awareness of the importance of these issues among managers and ensure that the necessary tools, procedures and training to implement these policies are in place within the Group, and to

  • ensures that appropriate control points are in place to mitigate the risks associated with ethical misconduct.