Inetum in Colombia
We have 1,800 professionals in over 16 cities in Latam countries. 400 of these consultants are in the two Inetum offices in Colombia.
We offer innovative and agile services and solutions for your digital projects in your local environment.
Press releases
"A competitive and innovative value proposition".
Carlos Castañeda, CEO Columbia
More than 400 collaborators with excellent technical and management skills that support the growth and transformation of our clients and the achievement of Inetum's objectives in Colombia.
We build trusting relationships with our clients, fulfill our commitments, and deliver agile solutions.
We advise and accompany our clients in their growth by offering a competitive and innovative value proposition.
Our service offering is based on the understanding of our clients' needs and with a strategic vision, we offer solutions that add value and satisfy their needs.

Our history of more than 20 years in Colombia and the knowledge we have of the market, allows us to have service offering for each sector we serve: Financial, Telco, Retail and Government in public and private companies. We work with technological partners to complete our service offering with the latest technologies in the industry. We handle innovative technologies and work with leading companies in different fields.
We provide global solutions to clients in everything related to Information Systems, Consulting, Design and Conception, Development and Implementation, as well as in Evolutionary and Corrective Maintenance and Support to Systems and Applications in Production. Our consultants and project development teams have extensive experience in process improvement, content management, distributed systems, architectures, integration and testing.
Our clients are 56 companies from different economic sectors, such as the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Defense in the Government sector, BBVA, Banco Agrario and the National Savings Fund in the Financial sector, Grupo Vierci and Crystal in the Retail sector and Telecommunications operators in the Telco sector. Providing development services, supporting engineering and transformation processes, and implementing corporate and document management systems, among others.
We are committed to an open innovation model to solve the greatest challenges of the current era of digital post-transformation. Importing and implementing best practices from other places to stand by our clients. With the impulse of national and European organizations guiding us towards the new digital horizon. We have the ability and vision to develop new business models. We are a sector-based organization that promotes the development of new technology uses.
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Management team
A connected team
Key Figures
Present in Latam since 1998, we are a company in constant growth that has remained at the forefront of digital innovation throughout its history.
84 M€
Turnover in LatAm
Where to find us
Our offices in Latam
With a presence in over 15 cities throughout the Latam territory to ensure proximity to our customers.