Inetum Way
Inetum Way
Digital impact
Inetum Way
As a B2B2S company, our Purpose guides how we interact with our employees, our partners, and the wider communities we work in.
Our Purpose will guide us for decades to come.
To achieve it, we need to focus our time and effort on specific areas over the next 3 to 5 years.
Strategic Outcomes
This is why we’ve introduced Strategic Outcomes. Our first Strategic Outcome is impact-obsessed people. We all need to think about every moment as an opportunity for real impact.
We also need to turn our existing solutions into propositions that matter. They need to create value, and help our clients with what matters most.
Our client relationships should always feel easy and inspiring. Technology is constantly changing so we must always be proactive and anticipate our clients’ needs. Finally, our model needs to be fast and simple. We need to reduce the complexity from our day to day so that we can focus on what is important. To deliver on our ambition, we must also shift how we all operate.
Our commitments
Since 2006, the Inetum Group has been making its teams aware of environmental issues and the impact of its business on the world around it. We make a point of identifying good environmental, social and ethical practices, and highlighting certain concrete actions to share with our employees and economic partners.
Guarantee varied and multiple career opportunities in an attractive environment
In a world where technological developments keep speeding up and where our clients’ needs evolve at the same pace as innovation cycles, we must constantly demonstrate our ability to adapt our skills to meet the needs of our clients. To face the shortage of talents in a tense job market, the Inetum Group is developing an innovative HR policy – to reinforce the attractiveness of the Group, and to retain and train our employees.
In today's fast-moving technological world, the contribution of all profiles, including those from diverse backgrounds, are essential. We recognize the indispensable role that diversity plays in our world and we strive to promote it every day.
Women@inetum: Inetum aims to encourage women to enter the tech professions (awareness-raising, guidance, training, retraining).
Women in LeadHERship: Inetum participates in the development and support of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
A rare initiative in the digital services sector in which, all 28,000 employees at Inetum, across 19 countries, are entitled to one day's voluntary work a year to support a cause or association of their choice.
This initiative enables each employee to make a personal commitment to a cause close to his or her heart, and to contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable future for all. The wide-ranging skills of Inetum's employees, particularly in the fields of IT and artificial intelligence, can prove particularly useful to the many non-profit organizations that will benefit from their expertise and commitment during Charity Day.
We see diversity as a performance lever.
This is why we have a proactive policy in favor of professional equality and access to employment, whether through gender equality, the inclusion of people with disabilities, the promotion of cultural diversity and sharing between generations or, more broadly, our commitment to civil society.
Aware of the environmental and climatic challenges that condition the future of humanity, the Inetum Group is determined to be a responsible player by limiting the impact of its activities on the planet.
This responsibility is reflected in a series of initiatives aimed primarily at reducing our carbon footprint, optimizing the use of resources and promoting waste recycling.