Inetum Consulting

A leading transformation consultancy

Inetum Consulting


With a team of 450 multidisciplinary consultants, we are present in Europe (France, Spain, Belgium) and Africa (Morocco). Inetum Consulting supports companies and public organizations in their strategic projects through five major practices: CIO Advisory, Sustainability, Data & GenAI, Transformation & Change, Corporate Functions Advisory.

We drive your transformation

Guided by a sector-specific consulting philosophy, enriched by innovation and technological solutions, we enable our customers to drive their transformation towards sustainable performance and a more resilient, responsible society. We foster a strong and unique corporate culture, based on the principle of excellence, which is key to the success of organizations.


Experienced consultants


Regions (France, Belgium, Iberia & Africa)





About Our Leaders

Leadership team

Emmanuelle Payan

Inetum Consulting General Manager

José Otero Lafuerza

Head of Consulting Iberia & LATAM

Guillaume Bossé

Head of Consulting France

Aurelien Grand

Head of Inetum Consulting France & International Development

Jouri Goos

Head of Inetum Consulting Belgium

Iliass Terchoune

Head of Inetum Consulting Africa

5 Practices

Sectorial Expertise


We conduct transformation programs to increase banking efficiency, improve risk and compliance management, and manage regulatory requirements.

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We help insurers implement their roadmap by providing operational and cross-functional solutions thanks to the combination of our functional skills centers along with our sectorial expertise.

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Industry​ & Defense

The main projects of the Industry & Defense sector include: transforming traditional Supply Chain risk management & resiliency programme; supporting our clients to improve their industrial performance

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Public & Health​

Leveraging digital technology to rethink citizen relations and improve the performance of administrations and local authorities.

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Energy & Utilities​

Supporting energy transition by working with our customers in the energy and utilities sector as they undergo profound change.

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Retail & Consumer goods

Omnichannel retailing will continue to become a permanent feature of consumer practices. Inetum Consulting supports retail companies in their transformation in reshaping the future of retail.

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Supporting technological breakthroughs and the development of “business models” in the telecommunications ecosystem...

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CSRD: Why global retailers are more exposed

[France] The CSRD is a major challenge for companies and institutions, which must now meet new requirements in terms of transparency and sustainability.

At Inetum Consulting, we are very proud to be able to support organizations in transforming their reporting in line with these new requirements. CSRD is an opportunity for companies to reflect on the in-depth transformation of their practices, their KPIs and, more broadly, to question their own purpose.

Read the analysis of Guillaume Bossé, Director of Inetum Consulting France, in Mind Retail 

(Article reserved for subscribers.)


AI Inspiration Day

Today, some of our top data, AI and GenAI experts are attending the AI Inspiration Day hosted by Digitaal Vlaanderen.

AI is driving a wave of innovation that is also sweeping through governments. During this inspiring event, we are sharing our knowledge and insights to help the Flemish government and society discover the immense potential of (Gen)AI.

  • Our 5 inspiring talks:
  • Basic concepts of AI and GenAI by Dirk Gepts
  • Boost your GenAI in 4 easy steps by Sven De Clercq
  • AI in our society: Utopia or Dystopia? by Hans Borghgraef, Jouri Goos, Dominiek Henckaerts
  • Navigating Data Use Cases by Sampath Mukherjee, PhD
  • AI & You: Innovative leadership by Hans Borghgraef

Want to know more about these topics? Comment 'AI' and our experts will share their insights with you.

Read more on LinkedIn

Serious games

[France] On aime les jeux (sérieux)
Notre communauté #agile vous donne rendez-vous le 13 juin dans nos locaux pour expérimenter, tester et échanger sur l'intelligence (artificielle, ou pas !).

Au programme de cet Agile Playground :
- Jouons avec l’Intelligence Artificielle !
- Comment l’IA peut nous aider dans nos relations humaines ?
- People have the power, with Pathie (et Régis et Laëtitia)
Avec la présence de Laurent Morisseau

Et bien sûr tous autres jeux-animations que les participants auront envie d’expérimenter !

Inscrivez-vous ici ➡


Why Join our Consulting Teams?

By joining Inetum Consulting, recognized as a Top Employer 2024, you will:

  • Join an  experienced team, which encourages diversity of profiles and fosters autonomy and initiative
  • Be part of hybrid teams with complementary skills
  • Contribute to the development of our offerings and their implementation
  • Participate in an entrepreneurial project with a dynamic of strong growth and development
  • Take advantage of our Consulting University and BoostCamp Program