Enterprise PLM

Product Lifecycle Management

A complete range of services to ensure industrial digital thread


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A complete range of services from Business Consulting to Solution Integration and In-Service support that meet your challenges through our business and information systems expertise, powered by an industry 4.0 vision.

  1. Design collaboration process improvements and improve team productivity.
  2. Share a secure digital data continuity repository to build your Digital Twin usage benefits.
  3. Reduce risks on data governance, regulation and export control standards.
  4. Increase development capabilities of multiple product line variants to meet customer expectations.
  5. Ensure an extended, seamless and integrated PLM solution across disciplines with full product data and process traceability.

Our solutions

Analyse all PLM steps, from engineering to manufacturing, define data configuration, analyse PLM usage in a collaborative business environment, and improve collaborative performance by monitoring and implementing process accelerators.

Implement and customise complex integrated PLM solutions to fit your enterprise system – product-line governance and storage, engineering domain integration, simulation and validation process traceability, manufacturing, and Industry 4.0 digital chain continuity.

Define and implement value-oriented solutions in line with new Industry 4.0 standards. Make your enterprise data repository compatible with any digital-twin usage, including virtualisation experience (AR/VR).

•    Define, specify and build a best-in-breed PLM solution.

•    Improve, integrate and automate PLM processes.

•    Integrate all authoring systems that contribute to PLM processes.

•    Comply with regulations, standards and export controls with data from the source.

Implement our PLM IS Solution to integrate, share and distribute design activities in a secured environment.

Answer questions on traceability throughout the contribution chain whatever the domain – System, SW, HW, etc. – by building a trusted data repository and aggregating all digital twin information.

Services catalogue

  • PLM data management performance diagnosis and improvement plan definition
  • Business-oriented Proof-of-Value implementation and ROI qualification
  • Product Digital Continuity implementation across business layers
  • Product Line management solution design
  • System and requirement engineering integration
  • xLM (PLM-ALM-SLM) business-strategy vision
  • Master Data Management and Enterprise Data Governance
  • Export Control and Regulations diagnosis and deployment
  • AR/VR and Digital Twin adoption
  • Cultural change management and training
  • Design simulation integration
  • PLM Fast Upgrade and Migration Factory
  • Solution benchmark and Proof-of-Concept implementation
  • PLM IS integration and Core Model implementation and validation
  • PLM strategic and operational roadmap system integration
  • Digital Twin platform integration in crosscutting IS approach
  • Authoring system integration in central PLM data repository
  • PLM IoT integration and data analytics
  • PLM 4.0 innovation lab
  • In-Service support and AMS+