Inetum speeds up its partnership with Google and strengthens its market position in cloud

Inetum speeds up its partnership with Google and strengthens its market position in cloud

Reinforcing the partnership in a fast-growing cloud market

Inetum (formerly Gfi), the leader in digital services and solutions, announces a major reinforcement of its partnership with Google Cloud. This demonstrates the intention of the IT services company, today present in 26 countries, to accelerate its business in cloud, a fast-growing sector in Europe and worldwide. The partnership affirms the Group’s intention to work closely with the best players in the digital ecosystem.


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Reinforcing the partnership in a fast-growing cloud market

Inetum announces a major strengthening of its alliance strategy with Google Cloud with a global partnership in Southern Europe that includes a certification plan for its employees and an extension of its capabilities around the APIgee, AppSheet and Anthos platforms. This reinforced alliance illustrates the acceleration of the deployment of the IT services company’s digital value proposition in Europe, and in a fast-growing cloud market, with a strong increase in teleworking and around the growing digital challenges of companies, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Inetum’s aim is to speed up its clients’ digitalization in through an agile and industrial platform approach. This is based on the strategic vision of “cloudification” and Cloud-Native development.

The partnership between Inetum and Google on the cloud market, which started several years ago, already includes a number of major names, especially in France and in Spain. In 2017 already, Inetum enabled an established distance-selling leader in France to speed up its transformation by upgrading its mainframe towards more innovative, agile and cost-effective technologies. Inetum switched the cyber-merchant’s mainframe applications to Google Cloud Platform, which has enabled them to become the benchmark player in e-commerce today in France and worldwide. This successful project was a world first, and automatically led to considerable savings in recurring costs in the live version – dividing them by half compared to the cost of the mainframe.

Multiplying Inetum’s capacities to serve its clients’ digitalization processes

This strengthened partnership will increase Inetum’s capabilities in terms of innovation, services and software solutions on the Google Cloud marketplace and the development of specific vertical offerings. Inetum plans to invest heavily in the Google Cloud Platform, including a new certification plan for its employees, a specific support plan for its sales force and product co-innovation within its FabLab network.

The Group is also reinforcing its partnership with Google Workspace, Google’s collaborative suite that will allow it to boost its Intelligent Workplace offer and offer its clients the means to increase productivity. Moreover, with the growing practice of teleworking combined with multiplying cyberattacks, the Google platform is also a solution to improve the protection of data and technologies within companies.

“By strengthening our relationship and investing in our strategic partnership with Google in a cloud market that has become inevitable for companies, Inetum positions itself as a digitalization accelerator for its clients thanks to its expertise in digital flow and cloud,” says Inetum CEO Vincent Rouaix. “Our strategies and convictions are perfectly aligned, and the energy that we are building together around data-centric upgrades in companies will naturally boost our clients’ performance.”

“Our cloud vision is based on innovation, data processing at scale, and the modernizing of applications – all this through industrial containerization, API management, and the rollout of multiple or hybrid cloud strategies. Google is a major player in these fields. We deploy this strategy for our clients with a specific focus on offers like Anthos, APIgee, AppSheet, and Big Query,” says Fabrice Sarlat, Group Vice-President, Google Alliance.

About Inetum, Positive digital flow:

Inetum is an agile IT services company that provides digital services and solutions, and a global group that helps companies and institutions to get the most out of digital flow. In a context of perpetual movement, where needs and usages are constantly being reinvented, the Inetum group is committed towards all these players to innovate, continue to adapt, and stay ahead. With its multi-expert profile, Inetum offers its clients a unique combination of proximity, a sectorial organisation, and solutions of industrial quality. Operating in more than 26 countries, the Group has nearly 27,000 employees and in 2020 generated revenues of €1.966 billion.

For more information, please contact:

Inetum Press Relations

Claudine Morel Le-Berre

VP Group Communications Director

Tel.: +33 (0)6 68 01 22 56

Marion Latapy

Group Communications Manag

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