48h Chrono Job XP is on
48h Chrono Job XP is on
In a 2-day recruitment session, Inetum welcomes the first candidates selected to fill 400 vacancies
Press Release
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Inetum's 48h recruitment event has been launched to meet the first candidates who reached the shortlist to land a job contract in the Digital Services Company. Recruiters and managers of Inetum in Morocco, which has 400 vacancies this year, are mobilised to welcome candidates at Inetum's FabLab in Casanearshore for two days. After two interviews, they can immediately sign a contract to get started on local and international digitalisation projects. If you want to participate, there is still time to apply by submitting your CV on inetum.com.
The 48h Chrono Job XP event opened today in Inetum's Casablanca innovation centre. This unique operation will enable the IT services company to take up the challenge of meeting as much talent as possible in the shortest possible time – two days from reception of CVs to signing a job contract.
Candidates who sent their CVs have been contacted by Inetum's teams to make an appointment for these two days of meetings attended by people looking for new career opportunities in the digital field. Experienced Business Solutions Consultants (SAP, Sage, Microsoft Dynamics...), Data Engineers, DevOps Engineers, Cloud Architects, Product Owners, Proxy Product Owners, Scrum masters, Full Stack Java Developers, Low Code Developers, Java Tech Leads, Cybersecurity experts... these are all profiles that Inetum is looking for to address the new needs and uses of the digital world for its clients, companies and institutions, in the 26 countries where the IT services provider is present.
The programme includes a presentation of the Group's various activities to let candidates discover the projects they can work on, followed by two interviews before they can secure an employment contract. “Inetum offers all these IT profiles a wide variety of projects and multiple opportunities in our consulting, business solutions, application services and infrastructure activities ... or even outsourcing,” says Africa Area General Manager Imad Haddour.
Inetum's recruiters and managers are mobilised around this recruitment booster. “We take the time with each candidate to discuss their skills, understand what motivates them, and find out how they want to grow. We also do technical interviews with them to match their expertise with the right projects and with the right managerial support. Taking the time to talk about this is essential. Proximity is very important for us – it’s true for our clients, but also for our teams,” Mehdi El Abed, General Manager of Inetum in Morocco, explains.
“We received a lot of resumes and some candidates were unable to attend during the two days of our 48h Chrono Job XP event. We will therefore open a new recruitment session on Saturday, 2 April in the morning, and certainly others the following week, keeping the same principle of landing a contract in no time for one of the 400 career opportunities offered by Inetum in Morocco,” Mehdi El Abed adds.
Applications are still open to join the Inetum teams. To participate, submit your CV on inetum.com or send it by email to recrutement-maroc@inetum.com.
About Inetum, Positive digital flow:
Inetum is an agile IT services company that provides digital services and solutions, and a global group that helps companies and institutions to get the most out of digital flow. In a context of perpetual movement, where needs and usages are constantly being reinvented, the Inetum group is committed towards all these players to innovate, continue to adapt, and stay ahead. With its multi-expert profile, Inetum offers its clients a unique combination of proximity, a sectorial organisation, and solutions of industrial quality. Operating in more than 26 countries, the Group has nearly 27,000 employees and in 2020 generated revenues of €1.966 billion.
For more information, contact:
Inetum Press Relations
Claudine Morel Le-Berre
VP Group Communications Director
Tel.: +33 (0)6 68 01 22 56
Marion Latapy
Group Communications Manager
Tel.: +33 (0)6 60 13 50 71