Better management of resources
Better management of resources
We contribute to the preservation of resources by organizing waste reprocessing, ensuring selective sorting, and limiting our energy and consumable consumption.
The management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), which has been in place for years, contributes to reducing the CO2 footprint of our activity. In France, since 2020, the Inetum Group relies on a Cedre-approved supplier in the Ile-de-France region to maximize the lifecycle of electronic equipment through donations to employees, schools, self-help organizations and NGOs.
From 2021, Inetum is setting up a framework contract with the company ELISE* at the national level, for the recovery, selective sorting, and treatment of its waste (including WEEE), and conducting WEEE waste revalorization campaigns (resale or donation of equipment taken out of the inventory, repair of equipment when appropriate, dismantling if end of life, for recovery of materials, broking). ELISE calls on Establishments and Services for Assistance through Work (ESAT) and Adapted Enterprises (EA) in the framework of its activities.
In 2020, 7 tonnes of WEEE were recycled, which represents 2.4 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
In addition, the Inetum Group distributes electronic equipment to its customers. In this context, the Inetum Group uses the ECO-SYSTEM network, which is responsible for the collection and processing of discarded professional electrical and electronic equipment.
This organization collected 296 kg of equipment and reprocessed 101 kg in 2019, and 1051 kg for 590 kg reprocessed in 2020.
The Inetum Group promotes recycling and selective sorting on sites through the use of adapted containers. These are gradually being deployed in centralized collection areas (cafeteria point, reprography point).
Since 2020, our sites are gradually replacing single-use plastic cups. Some sites provide an Inetum water bottle to employees.
In Spain
As part of the 2018-2020 Corporate Prevention Plan (PEP), cardboard packaging was redesigned.
In Portugal
Plastic caps and bottles are collected for recycling and contribute to the equipment of local fire stations.
The Group is attentive to the consumption of resources and strives to reduce its consumption of energy, water and paper in order to prevent pollution through ambitious policies.
Awareness-raising campaigns reinforce the system for more responsible and better controlled consumption (posters, mailings, articles on the Inetum intranet, and incentive message at the end of e-mails).
- Reducing energy consumption
The Group optimizes the consumption of resources in the management of its activities and develops the use of renewable energy to cover electricity consumption. France and Spain purchase a share of green energy from their respective energy suppliers.
Our sites are continuing their relamping action (use of low-consumption lamps). Installations are timed to turn lights off automatically.
Given the health context, energy consumption on site decreased significantly during the 2020 fiscal year.
- Reducing water consumption
Poster campaigns encourage employees to consume water in an environmentally responsible manner. Our sites are gradually being equipped with more efficient taps (PRESTO or detection taps and Eco flushes). Sanitary installations are regularly checked to limit leaks and damage.