An approach based on solidarity
An approach based on solidarity
We provide support to those in need
In France, the constraints of local recruitment and specific skills limit the possibilities of cooperation with integration associations, educational institutions, or other local associations regarding employment issues. But the Inetum Group pursues several actions, partnerships and sponsorships in other areas too:
- The Group supports a daycare centre managed by Babilou. The centre is “mixed”, meaning multi-company and open to the population of Saint-Ouen.
- Every year, two “give blood, give of yourself” operations are organized in collaboration with the Bichat Hospital. Employees who want to donate are transported to Bichat, then brought back to Saint-Ouen. An EFS (French blood establishment) contact was appointed and a website dedicated to the operation was set up on the Intranet.
- Sponsorship agreements with charity associations like the Red Cross and Pianomasterclub have been signed. A piano was installed in the lobby of the head office, followed by several other pianos in the main regional branches. The pianos are accessible to all employees and can be placed in the lobby or in break rooms, depending on the layout of the premises. They encourage numerous moments of exchange, sharing and conviviality. In this way, the Inetum Group wants to ensure a balance between employees’ life at work and personal development through music. The Inetum Group also sponsors piano Masterclasses where the best up-and-coming pianists from conservatories are offered a weekend of training led by a maestro and financed by the Group.
- The Inetum Group signed a partnership agreement with the G9+ Institute which promotes and coordinates information, exchange and training activities concerning ITC and digital technologies on a scientific, technical, technological, economic, social and cultural level.
- The Inetum Group is a partner of Women in Africa Philanthropy, whose mission is to promote education in the field of economic development, and more specifically the training of future female entrepreneurs.
Donations are made to the SOS Children's Villages association, to enable young people who cannot pay for their studies to attend a technical school in Rwanda.
The Group offers the Espacio de Voluntariado Corporativo programme, which provides a wide range of activities to strengthen ties between the company's employees. A partnership was signed with the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases (FEDER) to support the federation's actions to improve the living conditions of people suffering from rare diseases through annual donations.
An agreement was signed with the Agence Nationale de Promotion de l'Emploi et des Compétences (ANAPEC). It aims to offer integration contracts to certain young unemployed people in order to facilitate their return to employment. In addition, employees are invited to take part in sponsorship initiatives, for example through a “winter clothes drive” in partnership with the MAGHREB SECOURS association.
By promoting the recruitment of disabled people, we contribute to the social and professional integration of the most vulnerable.
We are a member of the Bike2Work programme that helps people in need. The idea is to encourage employees to transform the bicycle kilometres into financial aid paid to charities and associations that help sick children.
We also participate in “The noble box project” which helps families in need during the Christmas vacations. Employees participate with material and financial donations.
We promote organizations working directly with people in need through annual auctions and fundraising events that help support their projects and improve their living conditions.
We are partners with the Banco Empreededor da Cidade-Olivais association that supports the most disadvantaged families by organizing food drives, and encourage our employees to become volunteers.
Inetum Group also has two main volunteer programmes to involve employees in activities with non-profit organizations (Humanities Association and Bagos D'Ouro Association).
We act with the “hands up" programme which organizes the collection of plastic bottle caps (in exchange for sweets for the employees) and plastic bottles that are then recycled to equip local fire stations.
We organize the collection of corks to contribure to the acquisition of wheelchairs for people in need.
We participate in “SHAREK”, an initiative to donate electronic devices to pupils and students to help them complete their studies from a distance.