kdprevent Risk Calculation
Avoiding negative audit remarks and fines
The time taken to process AML alerts can be quite problematic for financial institutions and corporates having to deal with compliance issues.
AML rules were invented to fight ML and are strongly supported by country regulators. Giving more attention to day-to-day business with admittedly more value-added tasks may make sense for a front user but, in the long run, audit remarks and/or fines negatively impact the reputation and the financial balance of a bank.
A widespread use case
Quoting from a bank manager...
Risk calculation is key
Risk calculation is the most appropriate means to mitigate such vulnerabilities. Inetum’s AML solution includes a risk calculator which takes processing time into consideration and therefore provides a rolling assessment of risks. The more time the emitted alert remains open, the higher is the revised risk level.
Dive deeper into compliance
Our complementary expert features allow businesses to further strengthen their compliance systems. We bring specialised solutions to each of your concerns.
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