kdprevent AML Solution


  • Analysis of both a single transaction and a set of related transactions that took place in a given period of time
  • Automatic detection and interruption of suspicious transactions (e.g. SWIFT, SEPA, SIC, etc.) and real-time notification
  • Generating alerts for detected suspicious situations
  • Real-time analysis of all AML risks based on customer-specific risk models. Our system allows for different levels of analysis, e.g. branches, units and customer managers.
  • A Relationship Analyzer that allows you to explore potentially suspicious or unknown relationships that exist between customers, borrowers or accounts (e.g. cash flow).

Modularity to achieve best-fit

kdprevent has a scalable architecture with a large set of modules to support all your compliance operations :

  • Workflow engine

  • Powerful rule engine

  • Flexible report engine

  • Alert and Case Management

  • Intergrated dashboard

  • Risk-calculation engine

  • User and group management including SSO

  • Webservices

  • ETL management

  • Integrated audit trail

Addressing the entire ecosystem

In order to monitor and detect suspicious activities across different channels, kdprevent provides a complete one-stop-shop solution, enabling all financial institutions to stay compliant and fight fraud.

By consolidating data from external and internal sources, we give you a holistic customer view and enable cross-functional analysis.

A Relationship Analyzer allows you to explore potentially suspicious or unknown relationships that exist between customers, borrowers or accounts (e.g. cash flow).

kdprevent Digital Compliance Solution addresses all Compliance, KYC and Fraud issues as a comprehensive platform.

As such, kdprevent is a leading analytical platform which addresses issues like: Anti-Money-Laundering (AML), Sanctions, Filtering, KYC, AntiFraud, Securities Compliance (MiFID).

kdprevent is a true analytical powerhouse with a unified repository. All modules can access all data without additional effort. Data from different sources are integrated into the kdprevent™ compliance repository and pre-processed for the analytical procedures.

Dive deeper into compliance

Our complementary expert features allow businesses to further strengthen their compliance systems. We bring specialised solutions to each of your concerns.

Check out Inetum's take on Financial Compliance

Also, discover our enhanced catalogue below for more information.

They trust us

Over 50 institutions have rolled out our compliance solutions

To find out more about our references, please contact:

Wolfgang Veith

VP Sales & Marketing

Compliance Services & Solutions 

Inetum Switzerland

Friesenbergstrasse 75

8055 Zürich

Phone:  +41 44 405 21 62

Mobile:  +49 162 9024792


Let’s meet!

Come and see our solutions and demonstrations at the following events

Twice a year, we organize our “Compliance Forum” in the financial centre of Zurich City. During the Forum, we present a keynote speaker who is well known to the Compliance Community (Bank, Government, Consulting). Following a talk on currently relevant topics, participants have the opportunity to ask questions. All stakeholders of German-speaking Europe are personally invited to join this free networking event. Typically we host between 80 to 100 participants. 


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