Our disruptive technologies
Our disruptive technologies
Disruptive technologies applied for making possible new exponential business models. Experiment Service at our FabLab network.
Our innovation is technological and pragmatic
It doesn't stop at Proof Of Concept. It is the meeting of our technologies with the business challenges of our customers that makes possible in reality what previously could not even be conceived.

Real and Virtual Worlds: XR
What is XR (eXtended Reality)?
Extended Reality refers to any existing or future experience one can create using spatial computing or immersive technologies.
Augmented and Virtual Reality systems provide a new infrastructure for crafting rich experiences for end users. VR lets you create a virtual 3D workplace for remote co-workers, while AR lets you overlay reality with digital content. Although we can think of an infinity of experiences mixing real and virtual, we usually speak about Mixed Reality when virtual objects are inserted in the physical as if they where holograms.

Decentralization revolution
New business models, new collaboration models.
Blockchain technology appeared in the heart of the cyberpunk movement, intending to revolutionize the financial system, but Bitcoin was only the first use case. At Inetum, we analyze the impact and potential of this technology in all sectors and applications. His slogan is decentralization, a challenge for current relationship models. We accompany our clients to propose the best strategy, discover new business models, and collaborate from all perspectives. Our goal is to identify use cases, design, and deploy solutions in which blockchain truly represents added value for companies and organizations..