Content Management Solution

Master your customer data and communication

Qualified data for effective communication.

The quality of digital communication is based on the quality of the data and of the documents with which you communicate*. ​It is a real lever to increase your employees' and citizens' satisfaction and gain their loyalty.​

*Membership forms, Sepa money orders, employment contracts, insurance certificates, property loan offers, rental leases, statements of condition, invoices, complaint letters, ...

As a company or administration, the development of your activity is strongly conditioned by your ability to process information efficiently and  by the control of the circulation of documents and information within your company and with the outside world.​

To meet these challenges, you need to:​

  • process your incoming content fast by automating their management and filing ​
  • store and secure your content by making it very easily accessible​
  • optimize your outgoing communication by creating innovative and proactive customer communication by your business employees​
  • develop your communication by streamlining your content management processes and facilitating sharing and collaboration between your departments. ​

With the proliferation of platforms and data in the Cloud, the use of Artificial Intelligence technologies and the spread of new customer dialogue interfaces (chatbots, etc.), the control of information will become more and more central for companies and administrations. ​

The ability of your company/administration to take up this challenge and make it a lever for competitiveness, innovation and loyalty will be decisive.​

Customer communication and content management

  • Digitize your incoming documents
  • Automatically file incoming content and data
  • Automate repetitive, low-value-added tasks
  • Optimize error and fraud detection
  • Store digital content securely and permanently
  • Protect and ensure the protection of your sensitive data
  • Provide access to content through a user portal
  • Search your archived content simply and efficiently
  • Personalize your communication with customers, citizens and employees
  • Reinforce the quality of customer relations
  • Reduce communication costs
  • Optimize product launch and communication times
  • Empower your business teams in terms of IT
  • Reinforce collaborative work
  • Facilitate jobs
  • Give the right message at the right time through the right channel
  • Communicate with your customers and employees in an innovative and relevant way
  • Position your customers as taking part in communication

Content Management Solution

The digital and collaborative platform

A single platform to control your content and customer communication

Efficient exchange through centralized document management 

Business Document allows you to centralise the management of all your documents and their data within a single, collaborative platform.​

With Business Document, documents and their data, regardless of their type, origin or destination, are stored securely and allow you to communicate proactively and efficiently with your customers, citizens and employees. ​

With the Business Document platform, you can meet the current expectations of your contacts and anticipate future developments, both in terms of new digital communication uses and content sharing and security.​

Business Document, serving communication that is ​digital, innovative, customisable and streamlined


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Making a strong contribution to improving performance ​

Business Document, a suitable communication and document management platform  for the challenges and needs of each player in the company.

The Business Document platform enables you to meet your customers' current expectations and anticipate future developments, both in terms of new digital uses and content security.​

It adapts to the needs of each stakeholder in the company and strongly contributes to improving its performance:​

  • Increasing client and employee satisfaction and loyalty “ -25% customer complaints”

  • Reduction in Time-to-Market thanks to the end-to-end digitisation of the document management process. 

  • Improvement of productivity  “20% increase in sales team productivity”

  • Reduction in the management costs of document processes  “30% reduction in postal costs”.

  • Improvement of the corporate image 

  • Reduction in the IT costs of deploying document management solutions. 

  • Reduction in the time spent searching for the information  “50% saving in research time”

  • Improvement in the profitability of the company by reducing expenses caused by processing errors and multiple iterations in the files.

    “25% savings in the management costs on error corrections”. »​

The Business Document platform allows you to fully control the business challenges associated with your digital transformation. It makes them part of a strategic high-quality approach in dealing with your clients and employees while allowing you to optimise your internal content management and communication processes.​

Discover our Customer testimonial video AND-E : click here

IT integration facilitated by the APIs

A platform based on standard technologies that can be easily integrated

The Business Document platform offers native APIs that facilitate integration with third-party solutions and business applications of companies and organisations.


Simple and standard integration:​

  • With related Inetum solutions​

  • With business applications​

  • With CRM and ERP solutions on the market ​

  • With digitisation, archiving and EDM solutions​


Native connectors:​

  • With electronic signature solutions​

  • With the most popular e-mail and postal distribution and tracking solutions ​


Business Document platform can also be used to integrate or be integrated with innovative chatbot interfaces, to exploit or enrich data analysis tools based on AI and Machine Learning, or even to benefit from RPA processing automation technologies. ​Finally, through innovation, Inetum's FabLabs facilitate the production of new components to help companies stand out from the competition in the market. 

Content and customer communication

Business Document: the content management and customer communication platform.

Business Document is a unique and collaborative document management and customer communication platform.​

It offers your internal teams and customers a new, fluid and accessible experience for collaboration and ​dialogue with  its integrated: 

  • ECM* and EDM* features (capture, archiving, business workflow),
  • CCM*-Desktop Publishing (document modelling and production, omnichannel distribution)
  • and thin-client applications for business users,

*ECM- Enterprise Content Management

* EDM- Electronic Document Management 

* CCM- Customer Communication Management


The platform is modular and able to be integrated and can adapt to your needs ​and the needs of your information system with its APIs and multiple connectors. ​


A broad ecosystem of solutions

Check out our related offers that can be easily integrated to each other